XV Congress of the Iberian Association for Comparative Endocrinology

Porto, Portugal. September 2025

The Iberian Association of Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC) was funded back in 1998. Our association is composed mainly by Spanish and Portuguese scientists that study different aspects of the vertebrate and invertebrate endocrinology. The Society is open for new members, coming from the Iberia Peninsula and other countries, interested in comparative endocrinology but also in other aspects of comparative physiology and biochemistry as well as environmental issues. The Association includes members of all ages who like to talk and share their scientific interests. AIEC meetings are celebrated every two years.

Frog pineal gland
Agrias narcissus
Hyla meridionalis
Cockroach (Blatella germanica) ovary
One day sea bass development
Podarcis hispanica
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© Asociación Ibérica de Endocrinología Comparada