About us

The Iberian Association of Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC) was created on March 10, 1998 in Peñíscola-Castellón (Spain). 


The association was founded to provide encouragement and to foster the research and scientific development and knowledge in comparative endocrinology developed in the Iberian Peninsula. The Association is composed mainly by  Spanish and Portuguese scientists whose research are related to different aspects of endocrinology in both vertebrates and invertebrates. The Society is open for new members, coming from the Iberia Peninsula and other countries, interested in comparative endocrinology, comparative physiology and biochemistry as well as environmental issues. The aim of Association is to give its members the posibility to share and discuss their scientific results specially encouraging the participation of young researchers.


The future of our young Association depends on the continuity and of the participation of the members and non-members in our meetings, so it is essential that together we stimulate the active participation in all activities organized by AIEC, not only of members, but also of scientists from the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America and other countries.


The AIEC is registered in the Spanish Ministerio del Interior with the number 164.747 and provides legal support to their members for the dissemination and widespread of the scientific research to the members.


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© Asociación Ibérica de Endocrinología Comparada